The Microsoft DirectX® End-User Runtime installs a number of runtime libraries from the legacy DirectX SDK for some games that use D3DX9, D3DX10, D3DX11, XAudio 2.7, XInput 1.3, XACT, and/or Managed DirectX 1.1. Note that this package does not modify the DirectX Runtime installed on your Windows OS in any way.Microsoft DirectX®End User Runtime从旧版DirectX SDK中为使用D3DX9、D3DX10、D3DS11、XAudio 2.7、XInput 1.3、XACT和/或Managed DirectX 1.1的某些游戏安装许多运行库。请注意,此软件包不会以任何方式修改安装在Windows操作系统上的DirectX Runtime。